Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rules, rules and rules.....

It's really terrible to see how old traditions fight to survive in the Ramblas. In the past decades we have seen the transformation of our street in positive and negative ways, but these last ones are mostly to be the common ones in the past years. First, the decision to move the human statues to the end of the Ramblas which, in my opinion, has cancelled this artistic spot in the city. Second, transforming the old pet shops into poor souvenir shops, with no references to what that piece of Ramblas symbolised more than a 100 years and last, but not least, the decision to struggle the flower shops which, due to the current economical difficulties, must also sell souvenirs. This is, again, a new way to transform the Ramblas into a more touristic site and not easy to manage for locals. Without us, the people living, selling and paying for its maintenance, the Ramblas would never be what they are! Please, sign on the booklet the flower shops have at the disposal of whoever wants to contribute to stop this.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Market of markets

This weekend we enjoyed the 4th edition of "Mercat de mercats" (Market of markets) which took place at the Cathedral square. Several shops and restaurants offered their specialities, Catalan, Spanish or even international cuisine. Recognised cooks, such as Jordi Cruz, did several open shows and other activities related to food and cooking. A representation of sixteen markets of Barcelona and some special "tapas" created by some of the well-known restaurants of the city have been part of the most relevant activities during this cooking party. A blog offers information about the event but unfortunately is not in English! http://somdemercat.cat/

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fleadonia market

During the autumn, several squares in the city center organise flea markets and other social and cultural activities which worth partipating! The market is called Fleadonia and it's organised in two areas:

FLEADONIA LLEIALTAT Sundays 29th September, 27th October and 24th November.
FLEADONIA FILMOTECA Saturdays 19th October, 9th  November and 7th December.

Dont' miss it!