Monday, December 19, 2011

Poem from Josep Mª de Sagarra

Rambla nostra, tan banal,
i tan térbola i tan clara,
que Déu te guardi de mal,
i et faci més nostra encara.

Josep Maria de Sagarra (Barcelona, 1894-1961) was a playwright, journalist, memoirs writer, translator and, above all, poet.

His vivid, rich use of language, his use of highly expressive rhetorical devices and, in particular, his aim of diverting or moving the reader and spectator brought him an enthusiastic reading public and theatre audiences and he was rewarded by such resounding successes as La corona d'espines (The Crown of Thorns – 1930), L'Hostal de la Glòria (Glòria's Hostel – 1931), El Cafè de la Marina (The Seaside Café – 1933) and La Rambla de les floristes (The Rambla of Florists – 1935). Notable among his poetic works are Cançons de rem i de vela (Songs of the Oar and the Sail – 1923), El comte Arnau (Count Arnau – 1928) and El poema de Nadal (Christmas Poem – 1931). His novel Vida privada (Private Life – 1932) is deemed to be the quintessential Barcelona novel.

Information extracted from the website of the Association of Catalan Language Writers:

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